Bloody Bridget

80', USA 2023
Language: English

Bllody Bridget still

Burlesque dancer Bridget’s life is no fairy tale: her boss exploits her, her boyfriend cheats on her, she is harassed by a sleazy lawyer and an abusive prison matron. When she loses all hope, a sudden supernatural intervention turns her into a very special kind of vampire. Let the bloodshed begin!

Song, dance, magic, blood and gore! Cult director Richard Elfman’s new film is a vibrant and explosive blend of dark comedy and horror. This extraordinary family project (Elfman’s wife Anastasia is amazing in the leading role, while his brother Danny contributed music) will blow you away with relentless barrage of crazy jokes, while the songs will stay in your head long after the screening.

Bllody Bridget poster
Written and directed by: Richard Elfman
Cinematography by: Howard Wexler
Music by: Ego Plum, Danny Elfman
Cast: Anastasia Elfman, Marcos Mateo Ochoa, Jean Charles, Denise Milfort, Rick Howland, Evan Eckanrode
Produced by: Bernie Stern
Production Company: Elfmaniac Media
Genre: horror, comedy

21. 06. 2023, 23:00
Open Air Cinema Main Square Ljutomer